Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
My Child has Stolen! and a word about parasite lessons
Monday, May 16, 2011
Join us for a live event!
We are joining Governor John Kasich and former D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee on Thursday, May 19th for a statewide event to watch the film 'Waiting for Superman' and participate in a live webcast and discussion about education in Ohio.The movie begins the discussion about how public education must change in Ohio and the US, and begins the discussion about how we can bring Montessori and other alternative education to the rest of the public. We know that Montessori is the best, and ONLY scientifically crafted, way to educate children. We need a plan to bring this method of education to public schools in meaningful numbers. With the systems currently in place this is not possible. We should be MAD, as Trevor Eissler says, that Montessori is not even known as an option. We should be MAD that even if parents know about Montessori, there is often no nearby and affordable Montessori education for most families. Montessori should not be an education for only those that can afford to pay for a private school AND pay taxes to their local public school. It is shameful that public school children, even in suburban districts as the movie will show, do not have access to the best method of education.The screening will take place at Jane's Montessori Academy, 1375 Francisco Rd, Columbus, OH 43220. Please email contact@janesacademy.com to RSVP. We will provide pizza for dinner during the screening. There will be a babysitter for children who attend.
You can watch a short video message from Governor Kasich here.
Governor Kasich and Michelle Rhee will be participating in a live screening of the movie hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Ohio Chamber of Commerce.How will it work?
• At 6:00pm, we will tune in for a live online webcast with the Governor to make introductory remarks.
• At 6:10pm, the webcast will take a break for the movie and we’ll watch the Waiting for Superman movie at your house party.
• At 8:00pm, the movie will end and we will tune in again online for the second half of the live webcast and watch a discussion about the film with Gov. Kasich and Michelle Rhee. Questions can be submitted online through Facebook and Twitter.
Thank you for your support and we hope that you can join us on May 19th!
Tammy Chabria
Principal and Owner
Jane's Montessori Academy
- Please click here to learn more about Michelle Rhee- Please click here to watch the official trailer for Waiting for Superman
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Grades, Success and Tiger Mothers
-- Dr. Maria Montessori
My System of Education
(A Montessori quick bite from The Center for Guided Montessori Studies: http://www.guidedstudies.com/)
-- Dr. Alice Miller
- The traditional school system rewards rote memorization more than creativity, yet the workplace requires creativity more often than rote memorization.
- The traditional school system pits students against each other in class rankings and measures each child’s work in isolation, yet it is success in navigating the dynamics of group projects that plays a more essential role in the modern workplace.
- By pressuring a child to do better in school, a parent also pressures a child to become that thing which the school most rewards – a rote memorizer pitted against other rote memorizers.
- If there is so much evidence that grades don’t matter, why are they still used for assessment?
- What role does assessment and progress reports play in a Montessori environment? How do you personally support children’s natural motivation to learn without imposing predetermined goals and standards?
- In Montessori we consider observation to be our main method of assessment. What systems have you put in place to help you perform this most important part of our job?